To view these illusions, look at the thumbnail - you should see the first face. Then zoom in on the image by clicking it - you should now be seeing the second face. If you're having trouble seeing the difference, try squinting or getting your nose really close to the screen.

To have you own mashes featured, please email the image to

To create your own optical illusions (hybrid images) - download the app here.

A Face Mash (in other words a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of a kitten and a dog.
My best attempt at winning the internet.

A Face Mash (in other words a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker
Geeky awesomeness - Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker

A Face Mash (in other words a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of a horse and Miley Cyrus
A Horse (with it's tongue out) and Miley Cyrus (with her tongue out).
Inspired by this.

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of Obama and Osama
These folk need no introduction.
Perhaps a smidge controversial?

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of a shark and a fish
Not faces again. Sorry!

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of the Queen and Seth Rogen
Her Majesty / Seth Rogen
Works surprisingly well.

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of some text - it is unreadable from a distance
Not faces, but I really like this one.

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of Jeremy Clarkson and a chimp
A Top Gear special...
Jeremy Clarson / Chimp

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of Richard Hammond and a hamster
... and predictably...
Richard Hammond / Hamster

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of Sheldon Cooper and Ned Stark
Uncle Shelley/Ned Stark
I'd like to think I'm a combination of these two people. Probably more Leonard and Sansa though.

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of ...?
Not going to say who these are. If you recognise them both, let's just say you have "eclectic" taste in your media consumption. The really astute among you will note that it has been posted just after Palin... 

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of Sarah Palin and George Bush
Pretty much everybody's favourite politicians.

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto
Old Spock (Leonard Nimoy) / New Spock (Zachary Quinto)

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of Marilyn Monroe and Kim Kardashian
Marilyn Monroe/Kim Kardashian
I'm sure there's something to be said here about old glamour vs new glamour...

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of Macaulay Culkin and Joe Pesci
Home Alone medley - Macaulay Culkin and Joe Pesci

A Face Mash (a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of David Cameron and Kermit the Frog
Davey C/Kermit

A Face Mash (in other words a hybrid image - a type of optical illusion) of Beyonce and Jay-Z
Superstars who tried to copyright their daughter's name (hint - it wasn't Keith).